X 2023-A4 - Oil Painting AM Class with Tom Murphy (Nov-Jan)

November 15, 2023 @ 10:00AM — January 17, 2024 @ 12:30PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Add to Calendar

VB Art Center: 532 Virginia Beach Blvd Virginia Beach, VA 23451 Get Directions

X 2023-A4 - Oil Painting AM Class with Tom Murphy (Nov-Jan) image

Please scroll down for Supply List.

8-week class
Wednesdays, November 15th-January 17th, 10am-12:30pm
AM Class

No Class on November 22 or December 27

Age: 18+
Skill Level: All

A studio-format class for all levels. Beginners will receive instruction on the handling of materials. Intermediate and advanced students will receive guidance on use of materials and development of aesthetic concerns. Beginners will start with a still-life set up and then all students may work from life or their own reference materials (with guidance). Mr. Murphy fosters a supportive environment for learning and encourages all students to make lots of "mistakes".

Mr. Murphy studied at the Art Students League in NYC with Jack Henderson, Robert Beverly Hale and David Leffel.

Please contact Thomas Murphy for any questions.


Supporter Tuition - Immediately qualify for Supporter Tuition with a donation of $50 or more.

Refund Policy: https://www.artcentervb.org/classpolicies.html
(Please read refund policy and if qualified email Ally Cassorla create@artcentervb.org for refund.)OIL


Best sources are jerrysartarama.com (or store in Virginia Beach) or dickblick.com. The general rule about supplies is buy the best supplies that you can afford at the time. But if you buy too cheap, you’ll end up getting frustrated and spending more in the long run. Take advantage of “memberships” and coupons—anything that gives you a discount.

BRUSHES: Filbert-style brushes—Robert Simmons Signet (Best buy for the money); Silver Grand Prix (a little more expensive)
2-#4s; 2-#6s; 1-#2 or 3; 1-#8 or 10
(Pro-Stroke brand brushes at Jerry’s are okay, cheaper, but not as good)

PAINT: NO “Hues,” Water-mixables; or Alkyds. Preferred Brands: Winsor & Newton; Gamblin; Michael Harding; Liquitex; Graham
• Cadmium Red Light • Permanent Alizarin Crimson
• Cadmium Yellow light • Cobalt Blue
• Cadmium Orange • Ultramarine Blue
• Yellow Ochre • Cerulean Blue (for landscapes)
• Naples Yellow • Burnt Sienna
• Venetian Red (for portraits) • RAW Umber
• Ivory Black
• White : Titanium or Permalba-brand whites are okay (LARGE TUBE-200ml) (I prefer lead whites [Flake, Cremnitz] but they can be difficult to find.)

MEDIUM: 1:1:1 ratio of Linseed Oil (2.5 fl. oz); Stand Oil (2.5 fl. oz.); and Turpenoid

SOLVENT: (for cleaning your brushes, etc.) Terpenoid Odorless Turpentine and a jar or cup to keep the dirty turpentine in.

SUPPORTS: Canvas, linen or board. Sizes 16x20 or 18x24 (It’s helpful to have a couple of small (5x7-ish) cheap canvas boards, too) NOTE: Beginners should start on an 11x14 canvas board

PALETTE: Please use a 12x16, gray-toned palette, NOT WHITE. Also, don’t use “paper” palettes—they waste lots of paint. (You can get Lowe’s to cut down a 18x24 in plexiglass to size and spray-paint one side a mid-toned gray. -They’re perfect and last a long time.)
I also suggest you get a Masterson 12x16 palette carrier

PALETTE KNIVES: Creative MarkT-29, trowel shaped knife
Also, MUST-HAVES: Paper towels; cotton rags; Medium cup (or a clean cat-food can or yogurt cup) and a container for the mixed medium; container for dirty Turpenoid; something to carry all this stuff!
Helpful-Haves: pliers; pencil; sketchbook; 18”ruler or paint stick; bull-clips; value scale